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Automotive products and parts

The three major automobile testing bases of Wuhan、Suzhou and Guangzhou have brought together a great many of high-tech talents including doctors, masters, and senior engineers. We have obvious technical advantages in the field of automotive materials, parts, and assembly research, and outstanding technical research and development capabilities. We can provide standard interpretation as well as one-stop services for scheme design, testing test, and test data interpretation for the selection of automotive materials, components and assemblies. 

靖江市| 平顺县| 金川县| 三原县| 南皮县| 鹤岗市| 固镇县| 林甸县| 淳化县| 鄢陵县| 奇台县| 贵港市| 偃师市| 屏边| 云梦县| 达日县| 专栏| 双城市| 老河口市| 桂东县| 乐业县| 巨野县| 治县。| 余干县| 漳平市| 当雄县| 潞西市| 贵港市| 抚远县| 乐业县| 嘉善县| 顺平县| 祥云县| 容城县| 塔河县| 鹤壁市| 陆河县| 朔州市| 上杭县| 禹州市| 阿克陶县|