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Safety inspection of LED lamps

日期: 2020-06-10

As a carrier of health lighting, LED is widely used in people's life, and the harm of light radiation is attracting more and more attention. Excessive light radiation will harm to the human body, mainly reflected on eyes and skin, such as photochemical damage to skin and eyes, near ultraviolet harm to eyes, blue photochemical damage to retinas, photochemical damage to retinal aphakia , retinal thermal damage and skin damage, etc., and among the two eyes are more vulnerable to damages.




· Reference standards IEC62471-2006/EN62471-2008 Photobiological Safety of Lamps and Lamp Systems

Luminaire safety test standards




EN 60598-1, EN 60598-2 series, EN 61347-1, EN 61347-2 series, EN 60968, EN 62560, EN 60969, EN 60921, EN 60432-1/2/3, EN 62471, EN 62384


GB7000.1, GB7000.2 series, GB 19510.1, GB19510.2 series

North America

Ul153, UL1598, UL2108, UL1786, UL1573, UL1574, UL1838, UL496, UL48, UL1993, UL8750, UL935, UL588


AS/NZS 60598.1, AS/NZS 60598.2 Series, AS 61347.1, AS/NZS 613472 series


J60598-1, J60598-2 series, J61347-1, J61347-2 series

The CB certification system

IEC 60598-1, IEC 60598-2 series, IEC 60968, IEC 62560, IEC 60969, IEC 60921, IEC 60432-1/2/3, IEC 62471, IEC 62384

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