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Battery testing

日期: 2020-06-10

The EMTEK Battery Laboratory provides a full range of battery testing and certification services to ensure the quality of batteries meets international standards. The Battery Laboratory has accurate equipment and complete test standards, which meet battery standards of Europe, the United States, Japan, Korea and China, etc. With a highly professional team of case engineers and test engineers, we can quickly follow-up projects and provide problem feedbacks, and provide professional rectification suggestions and engineering evaluation services.

Scope of battery testing services

Independent battery performance and product safety testing

Reliability, completeness and failure analysis


EMTEK service examples

The performance of consumer batteries is tested to verify that it conforms to the claims made in marketing advertisements

Provide consumer battery performance and safety testing for major retailers

Identification of mobile phone batteries

One-stop safety services (integrated battery, device, charger and controller testing service)

Provide exclusive safety and product performance testing for the world's leading mobile phone manufacturers

Exclusive manufacturer safety test and product performance test

Identification of portable power supplies 

Battery test standards

Safety Requirements for Portable Sealed Secondary Cells or Batteries - IEC/EN 62133

Portable Rechargeable Cells and Lithium Batteries - IEC 61960

Household and Commercial Batteries (nickel-hydrogen, nickel-cadmium, carbonic acid batteries) - UL2054

Lithium Batteries - UL1642

Safety Requirements for Sealed Batteries and Battery Packs for Portable Devices in Japan - JISC 8712

Safety Requirements for Lithium-ion Batteries, Single Batteries and Battery Packs for Portable Devices in Japan - JISC 8712

Safety Requirements for Lithium-ion Batteries, Single Batteries and Battery Packs for Portable Devices in Korea - KS C 60050-482 and KS A ISO/IEC Guide 51

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